
LED projection lamp, red acrylic panel;electric heater
site-specific Installation

In the laws and regulations for setting fire extinguishers, "set according to the nature of potential fires in various places, and calculate the minimum fire-fighting effectiveness value according to the following regulations…". "Potential" and "Minimum" refer to events that have not yet occurred and provide us with preventative measure just in case. Therefore, as always, the fire extinguishers stand in the corner of the white box space like a still life. I built a properly controlled greenhouse with electric heaters and red lights in the exhibition space, like a rehearsal indicating for a fire. Its purpose is not to point to possible future incidents but to try to "precisely" pull the relationship between us and the disaster back to the reality from the gray area that cannot be estimated.



LED投射燈 、紅色壓克力板 、電暖器
